samedi 11 décembre 2010


Hey this is Christmas called Crimble by the Scousers. The song was written by a scouser from Wooton and is sung by a Sri Lankan.
John Lennon will live on! Even Jesus Christ knows that!

mardi 16 mars 2010

The International Tamils' Forums

Have the The Tamil Forums the capabilities to change the world?

They think they have and talk about their democratic rights while their people are more interested in getting the day to day life organised.

I visited the Vanni when the LTTE were "governing" and found the people shortchanged for everything but with broad smile son their faces; peace with Ranil Wickremasinghe and they had something to smile about. The starving children would have more food they hoped and vehicular traffic would improve. Much could have been achieved. Then the LTTE decided to pull the rug from under the feet of peace process and challenge Mahinda Rajapakse to war. The outcome we all know about.

Now the diaspora Tamil Forums who when Prabakaran made his most idiotic move in thiry years was silent with the grandeur hopes of a military victory to get Kochchikade Negombo and Kochchicade Colombo within the jurisdiction of the Tamil State of Eelaam. Prabakaran was an intelligent man and what we can infer is that the BTF and the WTF told him- "Give in to Ranil and you will get no more cloned credit cards or drug money". They supplied the funds and they pulled the strings. He had to give in and paid with his life and the lives of 20,000 Tamil people. He had 20,000 of them murdered for trying to escape and leaving him in the lurch, without much cover and without hostages. The Brtish Tamil Forum are now disguised as peace loving Tamil democrats and have rallied more disguised peaceloving Tamil democrats who have a dream. Their dream that will never ever materialise.
Their dream is not a peaceful one.

It is to destroy the majority of peace loving Sri Lankans while they draw dole and peddle drugs, run brothels, transport illegal immigrants, clone credit cards and extort funds from Tamil businesses where ever they are. They have the corrupt politician in their pay, dress up in suits and take pictures like grinning monkeys. It is an ocaasion that they can feel a little important in their lives that are usually monotone - filling stations and filling supermarket shelves. This happens to people who are "no-bodies" and will die "no-bodies".

The BTF believes that the Labour Party of Britain can interfere with the Sri Lankan Government Policy . But while these people are going to fill the Labour party coffers they will realise that the Labour Opposition has other trees to bark up and the Tories will have other axes to grind . The British Tamil Forum will have to chase after other shadows in other cupboards and cabinets.

The English public are not fools. One look at the bargains show how they ignore Israeli produce in markets because they can decide between right wrong. The publicity of Channel 4, the Times The Telegraphe given yet the airlines to Colombo are full. They are flocking on Holiday to see Sri Lanka first hand.

The country is inexpensive so Tourists get more value for their money. The have the sun and the rain the beauty of the country and to judge the veracity of the BTF propoganda it is laid out before them. Every letter of support Sarath Fonseka gets from the BTF propoganda machine digs a deep hole to bury him in. The charges of treason they will be able to show is beyond any doubt. To answer the convenor of the WTF Mr Gnanakoon, racism is when you ignore the genocide of the Sinhalese and Muslim people and harp on about the exaggerated 40,000 Tamil lives. There are more tours organised and if Sri Lanka can fill their hotels with people from all over the world your forums will come to nothing.Primary Source information will be available for them to judge. But you can carry on spending that money on fattening the fat calves and piglets in Westminster. These are meat eating Forums with a Goan piglet in Leicester.